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Pocket Change


Pocket Change Overview

Nonprofits still don’t have the resources they need to respond to new opportunities, leadership transitions, or changes in their environment.


For the past eight years, 3 out of 4 nonprofits reported an increase in demands for their services.

However, government dollars continue to be cut at all levels (federal, state, and local), making it impossible for nonprofits to grow and, more importantly, maintain operation. 

Solution Is Pocket Change

“Be part of the change, one pocket at a time” 

Pocket Change is an apparel company that aims to solve problems along the way. We sell high-quality, Pima cotton t-shirts with a variety of pocket designs. For each item sold we will invest in awareness and donate 10% of the sale to an institution or nonprofit that deals with a particular cause (social or environmental).

For urban fashion-oriented men (ages 25-40) who want to buy a good quality product that offers a variety of designs, they are willing to pay extra for a product with a social cause attached to it. 

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Our mission is to create awareness about social causes that people ignore by building strong communities and making noise.

We want to tackle the 17 UN Sustainable Goals in order to ensure that we are creating a social impact through quantitative data. Leaving a mark one cause at a time.

We decided to focus on climate change as our first cause.

We are launching with four causes: Wild Life Preservation, Ocean Conservation, Waste Management, and Deforestation.


The Backend

Collaborate with artists from all over the world in an effort to create awareness across different countries.

Every artist will design four different pockets. Those four pockets will represent a cause.

Our t- shirts are manufactured in Peru, the HUB of Pima cotton (best quality cotton).