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NeedleXchange Overview

A single person infected with a blood-borne disease, such as HIV, Hepatitis B, or Hepatitis C can spend up to and including $1.4m in healthcare over the course of their lifetime.


Ever since the blood-borne disease epidemic began, 36% of all new cases of HIV/AIDS, 4-12% of all new cases of Hepatitis B, and 68% of all new cases of Hepatitis C have been directly or indirectly caused by unsafe Injection Drug Use (IDU). 

Solution is NeedleXchange

Let us put the Change in Exchange!


For hard-to-reach Injection Drug Users

Who avoid Syringe Exchange Programs until a crisis emerges, because they perceive them to be embarrassing, degrading, unhelpful, and/or offered at locations or times incompatible with their lives.

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Our product is a syringe exchange machine that provides Injection Drug Users with sterile syringes in exchange for dirty (used) ones on a one-to-one basis, reducing the amount of and use of dirty (used) syringes, which directly correlate to the spread of blood-borne diseases.

Unlike syringe vending machines, dirty (used) syringe disposal boxes, or Syringe Exchange Programs, our product provides a new way to exchange dirty syringes for sterile ones without any personnel on a 24-hour basis.


For Injection Drug Users who cannot or will not stop injecting drugs, using a one-time sterile syringe remains the safest, most effective approach for preventing blood-borne disease transmission.

How It works?  

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