Think With Google Overview
How to make Think with Google an indispensable tool for agencies and marketers?
Culture: Information Overload in this age of technology and plentiful information, organizations need to eliminate distractions and refine their information flow to what really matters.
Category: There are many marketing tools (Emarketer, Statista, etc.), however, it's hard to separate valuable information from nonsense.
To spread the word about the power of Think With Google we decided to start with the rock stars of any agency or organization, the individuals who live to pitch—New Biz Warriors (Entrepreneurs, Strategists, New Business Development).
TENSION Highlight: When you have a great insight you feel like a boss, but the struggle of getting there makes you feel uncertain.
However, when everything suddenly clicks and you know you have an amazing insight, you can't wait to share.
Some insights are so great you can't wait to share them with the world.
Think With Google leads to more “Aha Moments”
Insights you can't contain!
Think with Google gives you insights so great that you can’t wait to share them with your team, your boss, your mom, or even your fish.
The campaign first launches with YouTube pre-roll of people who, quite literally, can’t contain the new insights they’ve found. This would be available in Forbes, HBR, Ad Age, The Entrepreneur, as well as the Google ecosystem etc.
Want to share your new insight immediately? These print ads will help you unleash them so you don’t implode from excitement. Print ads would be available in Forbes, HBR, Ad Age, The Entrepreneur, as well as major and local newspapers (New York Times, Washington Post, etc.).
OOH: We placed stats or insights on banner ads in subway cars to simulate looking for insights online. Once you step out of the subway you’re hit (not literally) with a gorgeous insight or stat based on the subway banners.
The BRAINS behind the campaign:
CREATIVES: Tadhg Ennis (AD) + Don Foshay (CW)
STRATEGISTS: Henry Hayes + Enrique Garcia Thompson